
Welcome to The Biblio-Files, the newest book blog on the Internet. I'm your host, Laura, an avid reader and writer trying my hand at book reviewing. Please bear with me as I get the blog up and going this month.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman

This is a collection of fifteen Norse myths, focusing on Odin, Thor, and Loki as well as the beginning and the end of the world. These adventure stories of the gods are funny, entertaining, and great for younger readers. Nowadays most of us know the Marvel comics/movie versions of these gods, which is a bit nicer than the original stories. I like the parallels to other religions and mythologies (like Odin sacrificing himself to himself like Jesus). Some of the stories are absolutely absurd but will at least give you a good laugh. I look forward to introducing my son to this when he gets a little bit older. 

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