
Welcome to The Biblio-Files, the newest book blog on the Internet. I'm your host, Laura, an avid reader and writer trying my hand at book reviewing. Please bear with me as I get the blog up and going this month.

Monday, July 23, 2018

The Year 1000 by Robert Lacey and Danny Danziger

This is the first nonfiction book I'm reviewing so bear with me. I'm a history dork and enjoy books like this every once in a while.

This book is separated into 12 chapters, one for each month of the year according to the Julius Work Calendar. Each month's description is accompanied by a drawing that was engraved on the calendar. Now, these calendars obviously weren't in many places. Most were in monasteries, but I think Kings and Queens had them.

Life in England at the turn of the century was part Christian/Roman and part Saxon. Kings picked their religion based on how well things were going in their kingdom. Switch to Christianity only to have widespread famine a few years later? Time to start worshipping the old gods again. Get invaded by Danes/Vikings/Normans the next year? Mix Christian and pagan traditions, starting the foundations of modern Christian holidays!

I really learned a lot from this book, and the most surprising thing I learned is that while people starved in winter due to bad harvests, many more starved in Midsummer, before the harvests even started.

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