
Welcome to The Biblio-Files, the newest book blog on the Internet. I'm your host, Laura, an avid reader and writer trying my hand at book reviewing. Please bear with me as I get the blog up and going this month.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

The Broken Kingdoms by N.K. Jemisin

*Book 2: The Inheritance Trilogy*

A decade after the World Tree ripped through Sky and created the city of Shadow, the godlings who've inhabited the city are enjoying life among the humans. Oree Shoth is a blind artist who seems to attract godlings, even falling in love with one. When a mysterious man shows up at her home, Oree tries to care for him but he keeps killing himself, but his deaths are always temporary, which makes her think he must be a godling.

Oree becomes the target of a cult and her and her new friend Shiny are kidnapped by them. Oree learns their plan and the truth of her own peculiarities.

This book started out a bit slower than The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms but once it picked up it really took off. Sieh, Nahadoth, and Yeine aren't featured as much as book one, but they're still here.

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