
Welcome to The Biblio-Files, the newest book blog on the Internet. I'm your host, Laura, an avid reader and writer trying my hand at book reviewing. Please bear with me as I get the blog up and going this month.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Caraval by Stephanie Garber

Set in a faraway land, in another time, Caraval is a story of magic and deception. After all, it's just a game. But don't get carried away or you may die. Scarlett Dragna has been waiting her entire life to visit Caraval, partly because her grandmother talked about her visit as a young woman and partly because her father turned violent after her mother left. Any time Scarlett disobeys her father, he beats her younger sister Tella, and vice versa. When their long-awaited invitations to Caraval arrive the sisters escape their father with the help of a young sailor. Once they arrive at Caraval they realize he isn't who he seems, but nothing is as it seems. The sisters are separated and Scarlett must race against the clock to save Tella without letting the game drive her insane. 

This is a great story with lots of fun twists and turns. The characters are great, the pliable storyline even better! The only problem I have is Scarlett and Tella's violent father. At first there's no reason for his violence but as the story progresses we see what set him off. However, it seems to be a simplified explanation. 'Because X happened, man suddenly became violent.' Sounds extreme, even in today's environment. The ending was great and I'm looking forward to reading the second book when it comes out this summer. 

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