
Welcome to The Biblio-Files, the newest book blog on the Internet. I'm your host, Laura, an avid reader and writer trying my hand at book reviewing. Please bear with me as I get the blog up and going this month.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin

A different Earth, a supercontinent ravaged by earthquakes and volcanoes. A girl with a potential power, a seasoned Orogene trying to cull the quakes, and a woman desperate to find her daughter bring us into The Stillness. Magic, fear, and a volatile land make for a scary place to live. Damaya, Syenite, and Essun walk us through the events leading up to the most recent Season. A Season is a period of cold, darkness, and/or anything else that can happen after a giant earthquake sets off a giant volcano, as the Stillness rests on many. 

This is the first book in the Broken Earthtrilogy by N.K. Jemisin. Jemisin creates a vivid world, something we can see without having ever been there. She also puts us in one of the characters' bodies, using “you” instead of another pronoun. It made me feel like I was part of the story more than other books. She creates tension, she relieves part of it, and then she throws something else at you. This is an amazing book and I'm excited to read the magic of the next book, The Obelisk Gate.

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